Three Advantages of a Book Coach
As the information and publishing industry is changing. We have seen versions and formats of books that were not previously available. It was just a couple of years ago when we saw the coming in of Ebooks, Digital Books and then they became a ‘thing’’. This was then followed by the coming in of Audible books. These two formats were hugely driven into the market by the coming in of smart phones, tablets etc. According to some experts, any time there is a new realese of a device, there is an increased demand for digital books etc.
Whilst I enjoy all the new formats, from time to time I also enjoy the good old ‘print books”. Those books, you can touch and feel etc. Books are a great way to share your message and also to communicate, as well as leave a legacy among other things.
For new Authors, I know it can be hard navigating a new industry and sometimes being bombarded with too much information can be counter productive. One of my mentors, always said, “ A confused mind, does nothing!”. Today I just wanted to share three advantages of a Book Coach.
- Clarity
When it comes to writing a book. Clarity is everything. Getting this wrong, usually creates problems later. The advantage of a Book Coach is you can have someone to rub off ideas with and not only that, but someone who can help with this aspect of gaining clarity. I see so many new authors, make this fatal mistake, not being clear about who the book is for and who exactly are they talking to. Often sometimes there is also the need to further niche down, or clarity further. For example, there is a difference between a general fitness book, and a fitness book for women, not only that but a fitness book for women post pregnancy. So clarity is also important in ironing out the message. Many times, many people make the grave of mistake of talking about their book ideas with the wrong people, and they end up being discouraged and the book dies before its even written. By talking to someone with a commercial lense, or someone who has written a book before, you stand a better chance of being able to bring your book idea into manifestation. Trust me, many viable and powerful book ideas never saw the light of day due to the above.
2 Mapping out the Big Picture.
This is so crucial. More so if its the first book. I think safe to say, most authors struggle on the first one. After the first one, its often easier to create the 2nd etc. However, the first one lays a foundation, prayefully a good one. So on this one we have to take into account the overall trajectory of where one is and where one wants to go etc. Whilst you grow as an author with each project, having a sense of direction of where one wants to go, definitely helps.
It helps to discuss this with someone who not only understands books but whats happening in the digital space. I think for a lot of new authors, its imperative that one understands both the offline and also the digital space. I think for new authors, this is where it gets tricky. So by talking to a Book Coach who understands whats happening, you can discuss and cast the vision with more insight and knowledge which is priceless. I have seen many make costly mistakes that can run into the thousands and if you then factor in lost time and missed opportunities, its huuuuuge!
By having a chat with a Book Coach, that can definitely go a long way in terms of overall big picture, achieving your goals, and fast tracking the journey and also avoiding those common pitfalls.
3) Accountability.
For many people the reason why they have had incomplete manuscripts for ages, can range from procastination, to self doubt etc. For the remedy in countering some of those things, check out Recode
Having said that, for many the other missing piece is having someone who holds them to account. This is one of the reasons why many people hire fitness coaches etc, its becauset they understand the power of having someone who can hold you to account.
Many elite athletes to executives, have that someone who holds them to account. This is why many executives have Executive Coaches, as part of their overall secret weapon, who is also someone who holds them to account. With some elite athletes when the going gets tough, one word or a few words from the coach can ensure that the trophy is coming home.
When it comes to books, the same applies. Having someone who holds you to account, not only helps the process but also helps in ensuring that the agreed timelines are met. I think most coaches will agree that when people have skin in the game, they tend to do well.
You have to appreciate that this depends on the level of seriousness. I mean these are your ideas, your words matter. These are your ideas that can make an impact and touch lives in the world over. There is a reason why you got the book idea. You can sit on it for years, or in some cases, forget about it, but many times it doesn’t go away. Thats usually a sign that this could be something you ought to bring into manifestation. Often, the bigger deal is whats on the other side of the book, more about this in another post.
Having said that, there are many other advntages of having a Book Coach, today i just wanted to share with you these three.
You have an Uncommon Destiny!
To begin your journey as an Author, you can also check out my book, Unleash the Book Within
Wisdom V Mupudzi
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