How To Write Your First Book.
From time to time, i get ‘’inboxed’’ or “DMs”” from people asking how do I write a book. Some are more specific, they want to know how to write their first book. Having done both print and digital, I can surely answer from experience.
With the explosion of the digital age, we have seen a lot of physical bookstores go bust! Main reason being that people are opting to buy their books online. Not only that, but the emergence of digital options such as audio and ebooks has meant that many people no longer have the need to walk around with a big heavy book on their daily commute. Some find it easy to just plug in their headphones, and get lost in one of the new fiction thrillers, and listen to the voice of the narrator. Others get their tablets, and kindle fires out etc and off to ‘’space’’ they go just delving into a good book whilst the train, bus or whatever else is moving. Had a chat with a former boss a while ago, his favourite thing is to play audio books in his car, on his way to and from work. Of course, we still have another part of the population that loves the good old hard copy, hard cover etc, something that they can touch and feel.
A book that they love to touch, peruse the pages, scribble along, jot a few ideas down on the page etc. When it comes to books in Australia, Booktopia is one of Australia’s success stories. It sells the whole ‘’Tri Factor”, print, audio and of course ebooks. Having used their service from time to time, I can surely see why the brand has grown so big in such a short period of time. The customer experience has been great thus far.
Having said that, to going back to the original question, how do you write your first book. I know many people love to go quick to the writing part. We have to ask a few questions. Who is the book for? Why are we writing the book, do we have a burning message already or we are just intentionally wanting to write a book but we dont know what to write about as yet. Do you want to write a book to boost your business or your personal brand. The answers to the above, will determine many things relating to the direction of the project.
This is where many people miss it, especially if its non fiction. Whilst its not necessarily necessary, it helps too, if one is thinking of doing several projects or its just a one off project that one is doing. However, most times, once you write your first book, other ideas for follow up will start coming along. Just like a musician, once they finished the first song, the ideas for the next song, and the next one pop ups!
With a lot of Heart Centred Leaders and Entrepreneurs, a book is a good way to share their message, and their passion and their heart basically with the rest of the world. Just recalled that Barrack Obama already had books before he became President. Former British PM, Tony Blair has a book too. So one would consider a book from the side of thought leadership perspective too.
This is basically the foundational aspect of actually getting a book done. This is beyond just getting excited about the thought of having a book or wanting to see your book instores etc. Whilst there is that sentimental feeling of holding your first book in your hands, its good to take time out to really think about the big picture. I remember, when i first held the print version of my first one, Uncommon Destiny Uncommon Partner which was born from a place of wanting to make a difference and passion after seeing the many destinies that have been brought to ruin due to mismatches in relationships. In Australia we have seen the devastating effects of domestic violence on both the victim and also on families at large. I covered that as well, including lessons from the famous Gittany case that rocked the airwaves a few years back.
Also as writers and authors, we have to have a sense of responsibility of the words we put out there. Its more than just writing, its a craft, its an art and its communicating. So one must take time in my opinion to actually think about the big picture etc and of course then get writing, when the job is done, seek out the right publisher and the right platforms depending on circumstances etc
Having said that, in my How to Write and Publish your First book Webinar we will look at that and more.
If the idea of writing a book appeals to you, you are welcome to join in, same as if you have a book project in the wings, I’m sure you will get some key nuggets!
Wisdom V Mupudzi
Wisdom Unlimited International