Breaking Through To The Next Level.
Often i find that the human heart and mind can be propelled into anything, provided both agree. We have seen so many next to impossible feats being turned into floors instead of the ceiling. There is something powerful about the human mind and heart coming into agreement. This is where total resolution comes from, the difference between, someday ‘’ i’m gonna”” and ‘’m doing’’ reality.
I supposed with the human heart and mind is an inate knowledge trapped somewhere that all things are possible. This week Tigers (fans of Tiger Woods) are celebrating with him his remarkable return to the world of golf after such an august victory at an august event. I know many for a fact, ruled him out, pretty much rendered him ‘’damaged goods’’ but he has proved all his critics wrong. Gatorade and Gillette are just some of the many sponsors that dropped him when he fell from grace. They must be eating their hearts out by now, hashtag return of the tiger! Securing the Masters Tournament and donning the very much coveted Green Jacket, what a return!
Usually when we want to break to the next level sometimes its a desire that comes from hitting rock bottom, and when you hit rock bottom, the only way is up. This could be a relationship, a career that nosed dived as in the case of Tiger Woods, or maybe its just something that is going on, that one has not shared with anyone due to its sensitivity. Sometimes one is comfortable, but a meeting with a colleague, Ex or just a conversation or a moment lights that spark that causes the coming in of a new light. For some its a seminar that awakens the giant within, that you know what, I have so much in me that I need to pour up, and ‘’uplevel’’.
Far often we can get comfortable with situations etc, however sometimes its those unseen ‘’hiccups’’ that can cause us to think what are we really doing, and how did we get here. One thing thats for sure is, we must be clear what the break through is, or what the next level is and how it looks like.
For a lady boss who has been in a relationship for 5 years, maybe the break through is the day the guy goes on bended knee to propose. Yeah, I have seen people enter relationships and watch everyone else around them start new relationships and get married, whilst they are not yet even engaged! It is what it is, there is no one size fits all. People are coming from different places with different stories. So for some, they get engaged in 6 months, some in 2 years and so on. As for what time is appropriate, definitely a topic for another day, and in short, it comes down to the two parties, “inside’’ the relationship!
For some future mother in another city breakthrough or next level is the day she falls pregnant, and for the intern, the next level is the day the manager says you have now secured a a permanent role in the company. Whatever it is, whatever your break through or next level looks like, be willing to pay the price, be willing to do what it takes!
With next level, comes next level thinking. Meaning whatever thought patterns that got you here, maynot be enough to get you ‘’there’’. With next level thinking comes next level habits. This is where the rubber meets the road! Are you able to sustain those habits, many started off the year with good habits, but then drop out as the issues of each new year become more real. The commitments and maybe the soapie box has stolen the much needed focus.
Whatever it is, you are after this 2019, im just here as a messenger of hope, to say have a look at those goals again. Think about how that next level looks like and what you need to get there, and have an action plan to get there. Think about the habits that you need to put in place, and go for it!
Blessings and if you are wanting to turn your passion into profit, you can check out my Free Webinar by going here.
Wisdom V Mupudzi, is an Award Winnning Author, and Digital Publisher.
Wisdom Unlimited International